dql.expressions.selection module

Selection expressions

class dql.expressions.selection.AttributeSelection(expr1, op=None, expr2=None)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.base.Expression

A tree of select expressions


Build string expression, using the visitor to encode values


Evaluate this expression for a partiular item

classmethod from_statement(statement)[source]

Factory for creating a Attribute expression

class dql.expressions.selection.NamedExpression(expr, alias=None)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.base.Expression

Wrapper around AttributeSelection that holds the alias (if any)


Build string expression, using the visitor to encode values

classmethod from_statement(statement)[source]

Parse the selection expression and alias from a statement


The name that this will occupy in the final result dict

populate(item, ret, sanitize)[source]

Evaluate the child expression and put result into return value

class dql.expressions.selection.NowFunction(utc)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.selection.SelectFunction

Function to grab the current time


Build string expression, using the visitor to encode values


Evaluate this expression for a partiular item

classmethod from_statement(statement)[source]

Create a selection function from a statement

class dql.expressions.selection.SelectFunction[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.base.Expression

Base class for special select functions


Evaluate this expression for a partiular item

classmethod from_statement(statement)[source]

Create a selection function from a statement

class dql.expressions.selection.SelectionExpression(expressions, is_count=False)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.base.Expression

Entry point for Selection expressions


A set of all fields that are required by this statement


The keys, in order, that are selected by the statement


Build string expression, using the visitor to encode values

convert(item, sanitize=False)[source]

Convert an item into an OrderedDict with the selected fields

classmethod from_selection(selection)[source]

Factory for creating a Selection expression

class dql.expressions.selection.TimestampFunction(expr, utc)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.selection.SelectFunction

Function that parses a field or literal as a datetime


Build string expression, using the visitor to encode values


Evaluate this expression for a partiular item

classmethod from_statement(statement)[source]

Create a selection function from a statement

dql.expressions.selection.add(a, b)[source]

Add two values, ignoring None

dql.expressions.selection.div(a, b)[source]

Divide two values, ignoring None

dql.expressions.selection.mul(a, b)[source]

Multiply two values, ignoring None


For a clause that could be a field, value, or expression

dql.expressions.selection.sub(a, b)[source]

Subtract two values, ignoring None