dql.models module

Data containers

class dql.models.GlobalIndex(name, index_type, status, hash_key, range_key, read_throughput, write_throughput, size, includes=None, description=None)[source]

Bases: object

Container for global index data

classmethod from_description(cls, description, attrs)[source]

Create an object from a dynamo3 response

pformat(self, consumed_capacity=None)[source]

Pretty format for insertion into table pformat


The DQL fragment for constructing this index

class dql.models.IndexField(name, data_type, index_type, index_name, includes=None)[source]

Bases: dql.models.TableField

A TableField that is also part of a Local Secondary Index


The DQL syntax for creating this item

class dql.models.QueryIndex(name, is_global, hash_key, range_key, attributes=None)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of global/local indexes that used during query building.

When building queries, we need to detect if the constraints are sufficient to perform a query or if they can only do a scan. This simple container class was specifically create to make that logic simpler.

classmethod from_table_index(cls, table, index)[source]

Factory method

projects_all_attributes(self, attrs)[source]

Return True if the index projects all the attributes


Only global indexes can be scanned

class dql.models.TableField(name, data_type, key_type=None)[source]

Bases: object

A DynamoDB table attribute

name : str
data_type : str

The type of object (e.g. ‘STRING’, ‘NUMBER’, etc)

key_type : str, optional

The type of key (e.g. ‘RANGE’, ‘HASH’, ‘INDEX’)

index_name : str, optional

If the key_type is ‘INDEX’, this will be the name of the index that uses the field as a range key.


The DQL syntax for creating this item

to_index(self, index_type, index_name, includes=None)[source]

Create an index field from this field

class dql.models.TableMeta(table, attrs, global_indexes, read_throughput, write_throughput, decreases_today, size)[source]

Bases: object

Container for table metadata

name : str
status : str
attrs : dict

Mapping of attribute name to TableField

global_indexes : dict

Mapping of hash key to GlobalIndex

read_throughput : int
write_throughput : int
decreases_today : int
size : int

Size of the table in bytes

item_count : int

Number of items in the table

classmethod from_description(cls, table)[source]

Factory method that uses the dynamo3 ‘describe’ return value

get_index(self, index_name)[source]

Get a specific index by name


Get a dict of index names to index

get_matching_indexes(self, possible_hash, possible_range)[source]

Get all indexes that could be queried on using a set of keys.

If any indexes match both hash AND range keys, indexes that only match the hash key will be excluded from the result.

possible_hash : set

The names of fields that could be used as the hash key

possible_range : set

The names of fields that could be used as the range key


Iterator that constructs QueryIndex for all global and local indexes, and a special one for the default table hash & range key with the name ‘TABLE’


Pretty string format

primary_key(self, hkey, rkey=None)[source]

Construct a primary key dictionary

You can either pass in a (hash_key[, range_key]) as the arguments, or you may pass in an Item itself


Get the names of the primary key attributes as a tuple

primary_key_tuple(self, item)[source]

Get the primary key tuple from an item


The DQL query that will construct this table’s schema


Combined read throughput of table and global indexes


Combined write throughput of table and global indexes

dql.models.format_throughput(available, used=None)[source]

Format the read/write throughput for display