dql.expressions.visitor module

Visitor classes for traversing expressions

class dql.expressions.visitor.DummyVisitor(reserved_words=None)[source]

Bases: dql.expressions.visitor.Visitor

No-op visitor for testing

get_field(self, field)[source]


get_value(self, value)[source]


class dql.expressions.visitor.Visitor(reserved_words=None)[source]

Bases: object

Visitor that replaces field names and values with encoded versions

reserved_words : set, optional

Set of (uppercase) words that are reserved by DynamoDB. These are used when encoding field names. If None, will default to encoding all fields.


Dict of encoded field names to original names


Dict of encoded variable names to the variables

get_field(self, field)[source]

Get the safe representation of a field name

For example, since ‘order’ is reserved, it would encode it as ‘#f1’

get_value(self, value)[source]

Replace variable names with placeholders (e.g. ‘:v1’)